
Korean courgettes pancake with crispy lean beef and brown rice

Korean soybean paste is really one of my favorites flavors.  There are a lot different styles of soybean paste like, Gochujang paste, Doenjang paste and more. The origin soy paste is made from fermented beans and salt. The Korean Doenjang is stronger, sharper, deeper from flavor. I love it! The Gochujang paste is must more spicy and better for a different meal

IMPORTANT NOTE: recipe are quantities for 2 meals, the meal in "MEAL ANALYSIS" is one meal.

For 10 small pancakes:
·     250 gram courgettes raw, chopped (into thin strips)
·     85 grams flour buckwheat
·     2 eggs chicken whole raw average
·     2 gram salt
·     7 gram baking powder
·     15 gram pepper hot fried paste (doenjang ,Korean soybean paste for sale at the toko)
·     40 gram milk skimmed
·     freshly ground pepper
·     oil coconut  for frying

For the dipping sauce:
·     10 gram honey
·     50 gram soy sauce salt
·     15 gram black vinegar
·     15 gram water

Optional: finely chopped red chili 1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds start with the dipping sauce.
Mix all the ingredients together and set aside.
Make the 10 small zucchini pancakes
Put the buckwheat flour with some salt and baking powder in a large bowl. In a small bowl whisk the egg and doenjang. Add milk and the beaten egg to the buckwheat flour and stir with a whisk. Cut the zucchini in slices. Add the julienne sliced zucchini. Add freshly ground pepper. The batter should be quite thick.
Put a frying pan on high heat. Add a dash of coconut oil and let good hot.
Use a tablespoons of batter from the bowl and place four to five heaps in the frying pan. Turn the heat medium and bake in 3 minutes until golden. Turn and cook other side until golden. Drain on paper towels. Bake the rest of the pancakes. Eat the zucchini pancakes with the dipping sauce and crispy lean minced beef and add some brown rice to your tasteful meal.
Crispy Beef  & Brown rice
200 gram minced beef lean raw
4 gram garlic raw
20 gram ginger root fresh
2 gram Sesam oil
1 gram star anise
10 gram honey
25 gram soy sauce sweet low soldium
30 gram spring onions
1 gram chili pepper(red fresh)
Make the crispy minced beef
Bake the sesame oil and the star anise in a frying pan on medium- high heat. Add the minced lean beef with half of the garlic, ginger and honey and bake everything for 5 minutes till it is crispy. Cut the spring onions and fresh chili pepper and speck them over the crispy minced beef. Prepare the brown rice as descript on the package.
Take your plate put the zucchini pancakes with the crispy minced beef and brown rice together. The dipping sauce is delicious with this meal.