Get in shape through a proven combination of coaching, training, nutrition and supplements.

Rules & regulations participants DEMEY88

Art 1: Definitions

1. Under the following definitions, the following is understood:
  1. Organiser: the lawful person organising the promotional campaign.
  2. Participant/Entrant: every person entering the promotional campaign organized by the organiser.

Art 2: Organisation

Organiser: DEMEY88
Part of: Berry de Mey Nutrition B.V
Based in: The Netherlands
P.O. box 5144
2900 EC Capelle aan den IJssel

Chamber of Commerce registration: 51277964
Email address:
Telephone number:31 (0) 900 2377 933

Art 3: Rules for participants

  1. The DEMEY88 promotional campaign is a game.
  2. Entrants in the DEMEY88 promotional campaign are bound by the rules and regulations set out in this document. The rules and regulations can be amended from time to time. The valid version of the rules and regulations can be found at and can be requested at any time from DEMEY88 free of charge.
  3. If one or more of the definitions in these rules and regulations is nullified or becomes invalid the other definitions remain undiminished and in their original form

Art 4: Personal data protection act

  1. Information will only be provided by DEMEY88 to entrants if this is strictly necessary for participating in the promotional campaign or if someone has given explicit permission to provide this information.
  2. Personal details of entrants will only be kept for the intended goal and will not be kept for longer than is strictly necessary.
  3. To enter the promotional campaign a "before" and "after" photograph is required from the entrant by the entrepreneur. The "before" and "after" photograph will be published on the DEMEY88 website. Prior to the promotional campaign, the participant is explicitly asked for permission to post the photo on the website. This permission can be retracted at any time by the entrant.
  4. If permission to publish the photo is retracted the entrepreneur will remove the photo from the website within a maximum of one month from the requested retraction.
  5. It is in the interest of the promotional campaign that the "before" and "after" photographs are published on the website. If permission to publish the photos is withdrawn within two months of the promotional campaign ending, the entrant will be excluded from the promotional campaign and will revoke his chance to win a prize.
  6. The personal data protection act, as is stated in the DEMEY88 privacy statement is also applicable to this promotional campaign.

Art 5: Conditions for entry

  1. Entry into the DEMEY88 promotional campaign is open to persons who have purchased one of the DEMEY88 packages.
  2. If an entrant is not yet 16 years of age, consent by a parent or guardian is required before entering.
  3. Entrants are required to use the purchased package during the promotional campaign.
  4. If DEMEY88 concludes that an entrant has not purchased a package or is not using the purchased package during the promotional campaign, DEMEY88 may immediately exclude the entrant from the promotional campaign. Any prizes awarded to the entrant will, in this case, be withdrawn.
  5. If DEMEY88 has justifiable reason to doubt the authenticity of the photograph of an entrant, DEMEY88 can request a second photograph for verification.
  6. If the entrant, when asked, is not willing to supply DEMEY88 with a second photograph, the entrant will be excluded from the promotional campaign.

Art 6: Promotional campaign

  1. Promotional campaign entrants send a "before" and "after" photograph to DEMEY88 during the promotional campaign period.
  2. If the entrant does not send a "before" and "after" photograph or fills in the registration form incorrectly or incompletely, they will be excluded from participating.
  3. The goal of the promotional campaign is to reach the best physical transformation using the coaching packages of DEMEY88 (SILVER, GOLD or PLATINUM).
  4. The duration of the promotional campaign, wherein the goal, as described in Art 6, 3., is to be reached, will be announced beforehand.
  5. Every entrant will be required to send a quote along with the "before" and "after" photograph summarizing the transformation along with a description of the coaching and transformation period.
  6. DEMEY88 will publish the promotional campaign at all times on the website along with the "before" and "after" photographs of the entrant. The photographs published on the website are at the discretion of DEMEY88.

Art 7: Application, amendment and termination of participation

  1. DEMEY88 has the right not to process or respond to any subsequent questions or remarks pertaining to an incomplete application.
  2. The entrant is required to provide DEMEY88 with the correct name and address.
  3. Modification of (address) details can be made via or per email. DEMEY88. will send written confirmation of modifications to the email address known to DEMEY88. Modifications are operational from the moment of confirmation.
  4. If the entrant has manipulated the photographs in any way, then the entrant will be excluded from competing by DEMEY88.

Art 8: Entry fee

  1. Participation in the DEMEY88 promotional campaign is free.
  2. Entrants may participate once in each promotional campaign.

Art 9: Prize winners

  1. The winner is the person who has reached the best body transformation during the promotional campaign period.
  2. DEMEY88 will determine who has achieved the best transformation.

Art 10: Prizes

  1. Entrants compete for money and/or other prizes.
  2. The prizes can be different for every promotional campaign. The prizes will be announced before the start of the promotional campaign on the website of DEMEY88.

Art 11: Notification of prize winners

  1. Within a week of the promotional campaign closing, prize winners will be notified per email about the prize they have won.
  2. Monetary prizes will be transferred within a month to the bank account or PayPal account of the prize winner.
  3. Other prizes will, where applicable, be delivered to the address known to DEMEY88. When the prize is a free service by DEMEY88, this will be added to the account of the entrant.
  4. If the postal address known to DEMEY88 is incorrect, no further action will be taken by DEMEY88. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, prizes cannot be exchanged for money.
  5. Prizes will be kept for 2 months if the prize winner is unable to collect the prize at the time of winning. The 2-month period starts the day after the winning entrant has been announced. This is independent of the prize winner acknowledging or not acknowledging winning the prize, and applies only to the entrant being able to acknowledge winning a prize. Prizes not claimed within this 2-month period will expire.
  6. No rights can be derived from the results published by DEMEY88. Results can be subject to typing errors.

Art 12: Claims and complaints

  1. Claims and complaints pertaining to wrong or non-payments of prize money must be submitted to, and in DEMEY88 possession within 14 days of the draw or announcement of the winner. This term starts the day following the announcement of the winner. This is independent of the prize winner acknowledging or not acknowledging winning the prize, and applies only to the entrant being able to acknowledge winning a prize.

Art 13: Cancellation and exclusion

  1. DEMEY88 reserves the right to postpone or cancel a promotional campaign if DEMEY88 deems the course of the promotional campaign to be in any way in danger of being inappropriate. All fully registered entrants will be notified per email as soon as possible if the promotional campaign is cancelled.

Art 14: Dispute settlement

  1. The agreement with the participant is according to Dutch law.
  2. All disputes between parties stemming from this agreement can be submitted to an authorized Dutch judge in the business location of DEMEY88 by either party, when no other agreement is possible.
  3. In case of discrepancies or differences in interpretation between the English and Dutch version of this Agreement, the original Dutch version will prevail.

Art 4: Personal data protection act
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